Use the Red Guard to garrison civilian structures or capture oil derricks, refineries, and hospitals.

Finally, improve Red Guard forces by spending a "general point" on "Red Guard training," which makes all Red Guard forces emerge from the barracks as veterans.
You can also upgrade the Red Guard with the ability to capture buildings (researched at the barracks). Research nationalism at the Chinese propaganda center to increase the Red Guard horde bonus by 25 percent. Use Red Guard troops in larger groups and note the star symbol underneath their feet-in groups, Red Guard receive a "horde" bonus that increases their effectiveness. In an emphasis of the Chinese numbers advantage, two Red Guard are produced at a time. The Red Guard are the basic infantry of the Chinese. This section provides unit descriptions and strategies for China. Mission 1 - Operation: Final Justice Mission 2 - Operation: Treasure Hunt Mission 3 - Operation: Guardian Angel Mission 4 - Operation: Stormbringer Mission 5 - Operation: Blue Eagle Mission 6 - Operation: Desperate Union Mission 7 - Operation: Last Call Chapter 8: Multiplayer Tips Multiplayer Tips - In this section, you'll find specific strategies for succeeding in Command & Conquer: Generals multiplayer battles.China, GLA, and USA Mission Walk-Throughs - These sections offer complete mission walk-throughs for all three campaigns.This section is best suited for multiplayer or skirmish mode. You'll also find suggestions on spending your general points to suit your style of play. General Points - Look here for a complete rundown of "general points" options for China, the GLA, and the USA.China, GLA, and USA Unit Strategies - These sections provide unit descriptions and strategies (applicable to solo, skirmish, or multiplayer) for China, the GLA, and the USA.This comprehensive GameSpot Complete Game Guide to Command & Conquer: Generals includes: Command & Conquer: Generals is Electronic Arts' latest addition to the popular real-time strategy series, and it includes three unique armies, frenetic RTS action, and addictive gameplay. Command & Conquer: Generals places you in control of China, the Global Liberation Army (GLA), or the United States in an all-out war for supremacy.